FBotLogic Solutions

Building Software Solutions.

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Hi, I'm Fern Botelho, a macOS/iOS Software Developer and the founder and CTO of FBotLogic Solutions Inc. I enjoy coding on the Mac and building software solutions.

Building Software.

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Software Development

I've been developing macOS/iOS software using Objective-C, Swift, SwiftUI, AppKit and UIKit, and have a working knowledge of C/C++, Assembly, Java, Python, and web development.

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Software Projects

Building Apps that simplify data presentation has been an on-going goal.

I've focused on building great Nutrition-Tracking Apps for the Mac (ObjC/Swift/AppKit) and iOS (Swift/UIKit), and on using Swift/SwiftUI to build a Weather App for the AppleTV. Below is a summary of each project:


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A food/recipe search and nutrition-tracking food diary for iOS. Written using Swift, UIKit and Programmatic-UI. You can search for food and recipe data, save favorites, create meals from favorites, maintain a food Diary, and view diary data in Charts, with many customizable user settings.

You can find a page summary here, and details on Github.

It's available on the iOS App Store:

Download on App Store Works with Apple Health


A nutrition-tracking food diary for macOS. A modern re-imaging of an older project "Food String Tracker" (see below). Written using Swift, AppKit and Programmatic-UI. Includes: a Food Library, Favorites, Meals, Diary, Time Charts, and many optional user settings.

You can find a page summary with screenshots here, and additional details on Github.

It's available on the Mac App Store:

Download on Mac App Store

Blue Marble Weather

A weather-forecasting App for the AppleTV. Written using Swift and SwiftUI. Includes: Current, Daily and Hourly weather forecast data, searches cities/towns around the world, and has custom settings for unit measurements and theme color.

You can find a page summary here, and details on Github.

It's available on the AppleTV App Store:

Download on Apple TV

iFoodTrack Dashboard

The original scratching that itch nutrition App, written using Objective-C and XCode's Interface Builder (originally called "Food String Tracker"). A dashboard-style nutrition-tracking App with a Food Library, Diary, Nutrient Details and a Chart. You can save Favorites, create Custom Foods/Meals and there's many readily available user interactions and options.

You can find additional details on Github.

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